Home » Canal Tuckie10 » P-51 Mustang vs Bf-109G – Offensive Head On Pass (Slow Motion)

P-51 Mustang vs Bf-109G – Offensive Head On Pass (Slow Motion)

This is why a P-51D Mustang has less possibilities to survive a head on pass than a Bf-109; the Mustang has its armanent on its wings and needs more …

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Piloto acrobático, videoblogger de aviación, piloto virtual, videospotter y gran entusiasta aeronáutico.

6 comentarios

  1. great vid, great example of practicity of nosed cannon, and great aim 🙂

  2. If the P-51 would destroy that Bf-109 there would be rage all over the place :P. IL2 1946 is a great sim. (Ultrapack=Legendary!)

  3. Lorenzo Telleria

    it depends, overall the mustang is better than any bf 109 exept the k-4 with its almost the same, the mustang outurns and outdives the 109, but the 109 can outclinmb the mustang, in armament the mustang had 6 .50 m2 hmg, the 109 weaponery ranged from 4 .30 mg to 3 20mm cannons and two .30 mg, and the k4 could have a 30mm, 2 2omm and 2 .30mg, so in terms of armament the 109 is better almost everytime, but as an aircraft the mustang was far superior aircraft.

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