Flight Simulator 2020Flight Simulator 2020

Flying A Plane (INVERTED) Through A Tunnel in Microsoft Flight Simulator (Long Version)

[ Long version; short version with only main pass is here: https://youtu.be/EXVzTdKqo_E ]
After the Red Bull pilot Dario Costa took off from inside and flew through a double tunnel in September 5th 2021 on the Çatalca Tunnel in Turkey (see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foKR1hIvt1A )…

I’ve inspired and been training in smaller tunnels in DCS: World, and finally, www.simulacionextrema.cl released the scenery on MSFS (thanks!). You can download it here: https://flightsim.to/file/20500/atalca-tunnel-challenger-for-msfs2020
Istanbul Turkey Northern Marmara Autobahn Tunnel name T-1 and T-2.

I jumped to it with the idea of performing a half roll between first and second tunnel, and another one before exiting, hesitating at 90 degrees on first attempt, direct on second. This is how it went…
I leave the crash, it was almost the end and it’s a proven fact thsat crashes were On all the time 😉
Of course, it’s an Extra 330, not an Edge 540, and it’s in MSFS… you can also try!

I know you were in my cockpit with me, my friend and mentor Gadget… I’ll miss you a lot… 🙁

Visit my website: www.airvideoworld.com


Piloto acrobático, videoblogger de aviación, piloto virtual, videospotter y gran entusiasta aeronáutico.

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4 comentarios

  1. In the Navy, I was in an RF-8G squadron. One of our pilots flew inverted under a bridge in downtown Jacksonville, Fla, and took photos of the bottom of the bridge.

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