Home » Canal Tuckie10 » IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover – Emergency landing after heavy damage

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover – Emergency landing after heavy damage

Just got an IA squad of Wellingtons when flying online, shot down some of them, but when I got no ammo, I’ve tried to cut its elevator, but the maneuver went wrong and I severely damaged my plane. I was about to parachute when I recovered control and shord after did an emergency belly landing on a field, which I luckily survived! 🙂

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Sobre Tuckie

Piloto acrobático, videoblogger de aviación, piloto virtual, videospotter y gran entusiasta aeronáutico.

16 comentarios

  1. nice landing still playing il2 1946 might have to get cliffs of dover

  2. nice landing still playing il2 1946 might have to get cliffs of dover

  3. Ojala me anduviera :/

  4. Ojala me anduviera :/

  5. pereduranofcourse

    Ves a nes server de s’ATAG un dia d’aquests, s’escuadro 92 “East India” t’espera 😉

  6. pereduranofcourse

    Ves a nes server de s’ATAG un dia d’aquests, s’escuadro 92 “East India” t’espera 😉

  7. Have you tried playing War Thunder?
    If not, then I think it´s something you might like.

  8. Have you tried playing War Thunder?
    If not, then I think it´s something you might like.

  9. hey Tuckie, is this game playable now? i mean you needed a very good PC to play it when it came out and I still have a copy of it here. Is it worth trying?

  10. hey Tuckie, is this game playable now? i mean you needed a very good PC to play it when it came out and I still have a copy of it here. Is it worth trying?

  11. ARetardedPotato

    Try to make more death of bomber polite!!!!

  12. ARetardedPotato

    Try to make more death of bomber polite!!!!

  13. TheBattleMaster100

    How can you survive this in Il 2 When in CFS3 this type of maneuver is a death sentence in a 109?

  14. TheBattleMaster100

    How can you survive this in Il 2 When in CFS3 this type of maneuver is a death sentence in a 109?

  15. nice vid 😀 one question why did you open your canopy yet not eject?

  16. nice vid 😀 one question why did you open your canopy yet not eject?


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