Home » Canal Tuckie10 » CFM56 Jet Engine Full Stop in real time FAIL

CFM56 Jet Engine Full Stop in real time FAIL

I’ve just seen an Iberia A320 parking in front of me while spotting and focused on the nº1 engine to record how much time needed a CFM 56 engine to …

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Sobre Tuckie

Piloto acrobático, videoblogger de aviación, piloto virtual, videospotter y gran entusiasta aeronáutico.

12 comentarios

  1. airplaneTVoriginal

    There are times when the engine does not stop completely at all. It’s called windmilling 😉

  2. Waste of my time

  3. 0:43 wtf??? why is that dude so close to a running engine??

  4. Where’s the “FAIL”? Looked like a typical engine shutdown to me.

  5. it is called a beautiful shutdown


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